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Every year, members of the DarkSky gather at the Annual General Meeting and Conference where they share lessons learned around influencing policy, advocacy, general education about dark skies, exchange ideas, and explore strategies for protecting our dark and natural nights. The Annual General Meeting and Conference is an opportunity to network with other DarkSky members, strengthen our work and empower the community of advocates dedicated to the cause.

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This year, the AGM theme is Shooting for the Stars. The meeting will focus on peer-to-peer learning by the network of defenders working to protect the natural nighttime environment, and the steps we can take, big and small, to combat light pollution in our communities and protect natural darkness globally.

The event begins at 8:00 am on Friday, November 8 with programming until 5:30 pm and an evening celebration to honor DarkSky Award recipients. Saturday, November 9th, programming will run 8:00 am to 5:30 pm with optional evening field trips. Learn more about the general event program here.


Note, this program is still subject to change.

Field trips

We’re excited to offer two offsite field trips on Saturday night:

Quail Creek Star Party

Star party next to a sports field? Yes, it’s possible! Join us for a trip to Quail Creek Park in Sahuarita where we’ll enjoy an evening under the stars and learn about innovative dark sky friendly outdoor sports lighting. A local food truck will provide Tucson fare. Round trip transportation provided for up to 108 people; sign up available at registration table. Star party included with registration.


Mount Lemmon SkyCenter Astronomy Program

Shoot for the stars at Mount Lemmon SkyCenter. SkyCenter is home to Steward Observatory’s public astronomy outreach program on the summit of Mount Lemmon at an elevation of 9,157 feet. SkyCenter proudly provides access to two of the largest telescopes available for public outreach in the American Southwest. Additional registration required, attendance limited. Learn more.

This event has sold out. Sign up for the waitlist here.


The 2019 Annual General Meeting will be held near DarkSky headquarters in Tucson, Arizona November 8th & 9th. Dubbed the “astronomy capital of the world,” Tucson offers incredible opportunities for stargazing, astrophotography, and observing world-class dark sky friendly lighting.

Whether you’re into space and science, outdoor adventure, birding, arts and culture, or a delicious meal, there’s plenty to see and do in Tucson!


The meeting will be held in the University of Arizona area at the newly updated Tucson Marriott University Park. Reserve your accommodations today.

Note, Tucson Marriott University Park is fully booked for the night of Thursday, November 7.


Thank you to our generous supporters of this important event: