
Westhavelland Nature Park is the largest protected area in the German federal state of Brandenburg and comprises the largest contiguous wetland of any individual European country. The park is situated only 70 km west of Berlin, the most populous city in Germany, yet its sparse population and protected status put the experience of a dark night sky within easy reach of nearly six million people in the Berlin-Brandenburg Metropolitan Region. The Dark Sky Reserve consists of a mix of 750 square kilometers of public and private land within the park.
Westhavelland has developed an extensive education, public outreach, and communications program including the annual WestHavelländer AstroTreff star party, dark-skies interpretive programming, the European Day of Parks event, the Kunst und Kultur (“Art and Culture”) outreach program, and partnerships with private enterprise to develop astrotourism.
Dark Sky Reserve
Förderverein Sternenpark Westhavelland
Am Neubau 4 OT Gülpe
14715 Havelaue
Google Maps
Mr. Thomas Becker
Sternenpark Westhavelland
Naturpark Westhavelland
Land Area
1,380 km2