
Carrickalinga is a coastal town on the Fleurieu Peninsula in South Australia. Known for its outstanding white sandy beaches, clear waters, and magnificent wildlife, the township lies on a sandy strip of coastline between rocky hills and the sea. The Carrickalinga Creek cuts through the Normanville Dunes and flows into the sea on the southern edge of the town. The dunes themselves are an outstanding example of remnant dunes once common along the coastline and are listed as a geological monument of national heritage significance.
While a permanent home to several hundred residents, Carrickalinga is a popular holiday destination, especially in summer. Sailing, kayaking, snorkeling, and fishing are popular. A nearby marine sanctuary ensures protection for many marine species, and dolphins regularly cruise the shallows. It is not uncommon to see eagles and falcons overhead, swans and pelicans in the creek, and honeyeaters and wrens in the gardens.
Carrickalinga has always displayed exquisite starry night skies. The possibility that these could diminish with increasing light pollution inspired Carrickalinga locals to pursue Dark Sky Place accreditation. The application was completed by Carrickalinga Ratepayers Association and was fully supported by the District Council of Yankalilla Council. As part of the effort, the local community initiated a project to upgrade troublesome street lighting. A program of sky quality monitoring, community consultation, and education, along with a new lighting policy and lighting design for the non-compliant streetlights, was delivered.
Residents and advocates recognize the importance of protecting natural darkness on the health and well-being of residents, visitors, and wildlife. Locals and enthusiasts from far and wide attended the first major Dark Sky Star Party, where they heard First Nations stories and knowledge of night skies, experienced the relationship between nocturnal wildlife and the dark, stargazed with astronomers, and learned about light pollution and dark-sky friendly lighting. Regular dark sky-themed programs and events will continue to educate and engage residents about the importance of preserving natural darkness.
While Carrickalinga has remained something of a hidden gem, its popularity is increasing. The township of Carrickalinga is accessible to the public year-round. The most popular times to visit are in December (during the Christmas holiday), January summer holidays, and April (during the Easter holiday). The Backyard Universe provides multicultural night sky tours that blend traditional stargazing with cutting-edge astronomy, while the District Council of Yankalilla provides visitor information services and resources.
104 Sq. Km
International Dark Sky Community
via Carrickalinga Road
South Australia 5204
Google Maps
Dr. Sheryn Pitman
Carrickalinga Dark Sky Community volunteer (in Australia)
+61 (0) 499 903 390
Sharolyn Anderson
Carrickalinga Dark Sky Community volunteer (in USA)
+1 (720) 212-5385
Annual Reports
Click here to find ideal environmental conditions for enjoying dark skies near Carrickalinag, Australia (-35.43, 138.33).