Protect the Night Matching Gifts Challenge Extended

We are so close to meeting our fundraising goal for the Protect the Night Matching Gifts Challenge. As of today, we are less than $10,000 away from closing the match and raising a total of $193,000 to protect the night in 2019. Will you help us meet our goal? Your gift, in any amount, will be doubled, dollar for dollar by a pool of matching donors. Gifts to this campaign will support our International Dark Sky Places program, and be put to work right away to protect more dark places this year.
While the global increase of light pollution continues to grow at an alarming rate, IDA stands firm in our belief that we can make a difference and protect the night from the harmful effects of light pollution. Our International Dark Sky Places program works to protect and restore the night sky in cities and communities, public parks, and private lands – all over the world. Dark Sky Places are an important part of our work because they demonstrate IDA’s solutions to protect the night, and they offer millions of people each year the opportunity to experience the natural, starry sky.
We cannot continue this work without your support. More than eighty percent of our funding comes from individual donors – just like you.
Since this time last year, IDA has recognized 22 new International Dark Sky Places in 10 countries. Right now we are supporting 214 applications for Dark Sky Place recognition. These 214 places are working in step with IDA on the complex tasks of enacting lighting ordinances in their communities, replacing lighting sources with dark sky friendly lights, and building support for sustained protection of the night sky. We need your support so that we can continue to lead these efforts and protect more dark sky places in 2019.
Our pool of matching donors will honor and match gifts made to the campaign by August 15, 2019. Please consider making a donation online right away, or send a check marked for the Protect the Night Matching Gift Challenge to IDA at 3223 N First Ave., Tucson, AZ 85719, USA.
Click here to make a gift to protect the night and double your impact.
To thank contributors who provide a gift of $100 or more to our Protect the Night Matching Gifts Challenge, IDA will send a set of four International Dark Sky Place postcards, designed by Tyler Nordgren!