April’s International Dark Sky Week Urges Homebound Families to “Look Up Together”

Press Release
April 7, 2020
Amanda Gormley
Senior Director of Outreach
International Dark-Sky Association
[email protected]
(240) 920-8466
During International Dark Sky Week, April 19-26, the International Dark-Sky Association invites you and your family to engage with dynamic authors, educators, artists, and scientists from around the world who are excited to share their passion for astronomy, our cultural connection to the stars, life in the dark, and how we can work together to protect the night.
“Right now, families around the globe find themselves spending many hours at home together,” notes Ruskin Hartley, IDA’s Executive Director. “It’s a perfect time to reconnect with the night sky — and International Dark-Sky Week provides a portal for that experience.”
For example, have you ever wondered how to find a constellation in the night sky? Or how cultures around the world, and across time, saw their place in the stars? Or what critters are exploring the night while you sleep? IDSW’s presenters and activities will explore these questions and many more.
Presentations will be broadcast live every day during International Dark Sky Week. Learn more, and check out the schedule at idsw.darksky.org, or follow along on YouTube or Facebook. Let’s #lookuptogether this #IDSW2020.
About IDA
IDA works to protect the night from light pollution. Since1988, the International Dark-Sky Association has promoted win-win solutions that allow people to appreciate dark, star-filled skies while enjoying the benefits of responsible outdoor lighting. IDA is headquartered in Tucson, Arizona.
About International Dark Sky Week
International Dark Sky Week is a worldwide event hosted by the International Dark-Sky Association to celebrate the night and bring attention to the problems caused by light pollution. Each year, International Dark Sky Week is held in April during the week of the new Moon, when the sky is darkest and the stars most visible. This year’s celebrations begin on Sunday, April 19th and runs through Sunday, April 26th, 2020. Learn more at idsw.darksky.org
Photos for use with credit: https://darksky.box.com/s/sgyqp8p0p7vutz0fxys44lig502qmxqb
Video: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwHEmqG4ZaZq6AzTNtzc0yQyUIFaDtWqa
IDSW Hashtags: #lookuptogether, #idsw2020, #idadarksky